The development of China's packaging machinery industry is so rapid, we can imagine how fierce the competition in the market is. Therefore, enterprises only constantly try to turn other people's shortcomings into their own advantages. Continuous learning and innovation can survive in the cracks to stand out among many manufacturers, so that they will not be eliminated and steadily upgrade themselves in the fierce competition. Market position.
There are a lot of new packaging technologies built on the new thinking of packaging. New packaging thinking means detaching existing packaging technologies and products, and applying other related technologies to packaging to form new packaging technologies, including packaging and cutting technology, packaging curing technology, packaging function protection technology, packaging and processing. Combine technology and packaging functions to borrow technology. In addition to the several mentioned above, there should be other technologies, such as the packaging technology of fresh food.
Packaging machinery pursues packaging and processing integration. With the emergence of new packaging materials, some of the packaging technology has also undergone new changes. For example, since the appearance of the stretched stretch film, the processes of wrapping, shrinking, and bundling are integrated, and the operation is simplified and quick. This packaging processing integration solves many processing processes, directly borrowing the packaging mechanism, and realizes the integration of packaging processing, making the packaging more potential and effective.
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Espag handles are the most common type of window handle used today. A locking system with a flat metal strip which runs up the side that locks into the frame. The locking mechanism moves when the window handle is turned. They fix onto the window with two fixing screws and have a square spindle bar which protrudes from the base. This spindle slots into the lock and then operates a lock located inside the window . Approximately 90% of Espag handles have a standard fixing size, with two screws which are 43mm apart. You can usually interchange Espag handles with any other type, without having to make any adjustments.One thing to be aware of is that they also have various spindle lengths depending on the window in question, and can be a short as 10mm or as long as 60mm.Most of handles come with a 50mm spindle length as standard and this can then be cut down to suit with a normal hacksaw if necessary.
Espag Window Handles,Espag Handle,Window Espag Lock,Espag For Pvc Window
Jinan Lumei Construction Material Co.,Ltd. ,