The most suitable temperature for the application of carbonamine in the autumn and winter seasons

The crops are topdressed in the low temperature season in autumn and winter, and the application of ammonium bicarbonate is better than the application of urea.

First, the fertilizer is fast. Ammonium bicarbonate belongs to ammonium nitrogen fertilizer. It can be directly absorbed and utilized by crops after being applied to soil. Urea belongs to ammonium amide. It needs to be converted into ammonium nitrogen by urease secreted by urea bacteria in soil to absorb roots. Here, the rate of urea conversion depends mainly on the soil temperature at that time; under normal conditions, all urea in the soil is converted to ammonium nitrogen, which takes 7-10 days at a ground temperature of 1o °C and 4 at 20 °C. 5 days, only 2-3 days at 30 °C. It can be seen that the crops are topdressed in winter or early spring, and the application of ammonium bicarbonate is faster than urea; if urea is applied, it tends to affect the growth of the crop because of the slow effect of fertilizer.

Second, the utilization rate is high. Ammonium bicarbonate is rarely volatilized at temperatures below 20 ° C. After application to the soil, ammonium ions can be rapidly adsorbed by the soil colloid, and its adsorption capacity is 8 times that of urea. Therefore, it is not easy to lose with water. After the urea is applied to the soil, it exists in a molecular state before being converted into ammonium nitrogen, which is difficult to be adsorbed by the soil colloid and is easily lost.

Third, the effect is good. Some people have done experiments to apply ammonium bicarbonate in winter wheat fields, and the effect is 1 to 1.5 times higher than that in high temperature seasons.
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